Hlavná ponuka:
Knieža Popiel a myš
Kedysi dávno v jednom z prvých miest založených v Poľsku- Lecho, po mnohých rokoch jeho jestvovania, na trón vstúpil Popiel. Bol to zlý panovník, neposlúchal rady starších a preto sa veľmi bál straty trónu. Rovnako zlá bola aj jeho manželka Rzepicha. Rozhodli sa spoločne zabiť príbuzných, ktorí ich chceli pripraviť o moc, ak nezmenia svoj postoj. Prefíkaný Popiel s manželkou, pozval príbuzných na hostinu do ich sídla nad jazerom.
Náhla premena vládcu všetkých potešila, tak radi prijali pozvanie. Na kniežacom dvore ich čakali bohato prestreté stoly a víno, ktorým si pripili na začiatku hostiny, bolo otrávené jedom. Keď hostia strácali sily, uvedomili si, že to bola zrada. Knieža nechal ich telá hodiť do jazera, a začal sa pripravovať na návrat na dvor.
Slúžka na ich dvore si všimla, že zo všetkých izieb sa ozýva nespočetné pískanie myši. Márne sa snažili Popiel a vojvodkyňa zachrániť v komnatách, nepomohol ani urputný boj slúžok s myšami. Tých bolo viac a viac. Poslednou záchranou sa zdal únik na ostrov na jazere, ale aj tam ich dobehli neustále sa množiace tvory.
Keď Popiel umieral, uvedomil si, že to neboli obyčajné myši, ale pomsta a trest za zákerne otrávenie príbuzných.
The legend about Popiel
Once upon a time there lived a prince called Popiel. He was very rich and lived in a huge castle suurounded by a dense forest.
He loved feasts and huntings, but he didn’t care for his subjects. Althought he had lots of money, he didn’t share his wealth with anybody. There were a lots of poor and starving people who lived in poverty, and who had to work for Popiel.
But it didn’t satisfy him - he wanted more so he decided to became a king...
He invited the king to come and visit him in his huge castle where he organized a lavish feast for the king and his wife. He organized it because he had a plan…
He wanted to poision the king and the queen, and then become a king himself. He succeeded in poisoning his quests and now he could become the king.
Of course he was very cruel and evil. He treated his subjects very badly so they were fed up with his behavior ond they couldn’t stand it any more. They decided to kill him. He got so frightened that he ran away from them and hid in a big tower…
The tower was full of grains which he got from the farmers. He didn’t know that the tower was full of mice, because they were attracted by the grains.
There were so many of them that they attacked Popiel. They killed and ate him. That was the end of a cruel man.